can you find me?

Friday, March 18, 2011


So I don’t have too much to say about Singapore. It’s cool if your into expensive food, expensive taxis, and expensive everything. It really is a futuristic place. I don’t mean to bash on Singapore, you would think that as an architecture student I would like it a lot more. What I mean is that Singapore has some of the most amazing architecture you will see, combining the new with the old the city, it really is its own master piece. So that aspect I loved. They also have really good food. I got Stephanie to eat frog! For all who know me I am a little more adventurous with what I eat while Stephanie is getting there, major accomplishments have been made on her part. We’re going to have fried scorpions in China next!!!! But no dog for us in Vietnam because yes they do eat dog!

Any way as I normally say, “you have to go to this country”, I will not say this about Singapore. While it is a very cool place, you can really see the whole city-state in a day. This is a place with 400 skyscrapers and is very much like the USA with a lot a lot of rules. You can get arrested for anything here. Chewing gum is illegal; spitting is illegal, j-walking (strictly enforced) and so many more rules!!!!! Stephanie and I were scared to breathe when we first got off the ship.

So in conclusion from my experience Singapore is a great place to get a job or have a layover or spend a lot of money.

Helpful tip: when traveling in Singapore never take the cable car it cost 24$ for a minute ride. You can take the tram car for free or the subway for 2 dollars.
Helpful tip 2: NEVER GO TO SENTOSA (It’s like Disney world except the most boring place in the universe)

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