It all started the night before Neptune’s day when steph pointed out to me that we were running out of conditioner and we should probably conserve it so we didn’t have to buy a new bottle we were only going to need to use twice. I agreed and we went on with our lives.
The next morning: We woke up to Neptune’s court playing instruments banging walls doors and drums out in the hall way to wake us all up. We woke up and went to break fast as usual. When we were eating one of the lifelong learners came up to us and asked if we would be shaving our heads that day. We both immediately said NO WAY!!!! She was like why not both my nieces did they had a great time with it. Basically this went on for 15 minutes until she said well I’m not telling you what to do because if I had hair I don’t know if I would do it.
Well this left us in a dilemma! What were we to do now?
Me: are we gonna regret this if we don’t do it
Steph: probably
Both: O shoot
Steph: well we won’t have to buy more conditioner.
With very little debate after this we walked upstairs looked around and said were going to do it! We ran back down the stairs put on our bathing suits and ran back up the stairs got fish guts poured on us, jumped in the pool, kissed the hands of king Neptune and queen Minerva and then went to get our heads shaved. This is where we ran into problems. We had to go back down the stairs and blow dry our hair with fish guts in it. And go back up got our hair put into pig tails and the they started chopping off my hair then I sat down in the chair and buzzzzzzzz they buzzed it all off. And I hear mid way through this process “I have to go back to the room”. Steph had to go to our room in order to blow dry her hair more. Then come back up and shave her head it was devastating to hold our hair up for a picture but super funny.
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