We woke up at 5:30 am. It would have been a struggle if the sun hadn’t been rising over the water in such a gorgeous fashion. We were going piranha fishing! We all got on the shallow little boat again our group diving in 2 headed out to separate locations. Now when you fish for piranha, you fish with raw meat! Which unfortunately, Stephanie and I were the lucky ones who got to sit on the bench where they cut the meat. For cleaning purposes they whipped it with a rag. Let’s just say if it was unapparent that we were not in jersey any more it was perfectly clear now! Our guides told us not to count on catching anything because it didn’t always happen. No way not this time! We were all determined. So you put this meat on your line, which is a piece of string attached to a piece bamboo, throw it in the water then hit the water a few times with your stick, making a splashing sound in order to attract the fish. Well it wasn’t long until a few of us had caught some and guess what I was one of them! Mine was a red bellied piranha, which is the most aggressive kind! In total 6 were caught and flopping around at the bottom of the boat. We went back to the river boat ate breakfast hung out for a little.
We were not told that we were allowed to go swimming. There was only one thing going through my mind and it wasn’t I have to wait a hour after eating! I had just fished for piranhas in this water, is he CRAZY!!!! However, I just thought to m self…. When will I ever do this again? And ran over to the edge doing flips off the side of the boat! It was fun and pretty warm which was not expected! But it was fun even if the “black river” did make my bathing suit into a brown one! After this we headed back to Manaus all excited from everything we just did and everything that was yet to come…RIO!!!
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