Knowing there is something unjust happening out in the world and you haven’t done anything about it is a horrible feeling. Sometimes one can suppress these horrid feelings for some time but when it is brought to your attention so abruptly it really resonates inside. I know I will soon learn about what I am going to tell you first hand but even learning about it in our global studies was hard enough.
In my global studies class ( the biggest class i have ever had -- 300 students and 40 Life Long Learners) one of the professors came in to talk to us. He had the hardest story I have ever heard. It literally brought me and so many others to tears. The story we heard of is how this man was in Nepal. He went to explore the country and try and learn why the mortality rate in women was so much lower than men. Well he never knew it would turn into a lifelong mission. He went to a school to see the children and girls and how they were treated. When he was at this school he was talking to the principle and the principle said see that girl, and pointing to a girl of only 12, he said that is Enu and she will disappear next. This man, professor Kottler, asked what do you mean? The principle replied her dad is a drunk and left her family with nothing. She has 4 other brothers and sisters and their family cannot afford to send them all to school. Enu will be sold after this year. This 12 year old little girl will be sold into sex slavery. She will be sold to a brothel where she will be raped 15-20 times .......the first DAY! She is only 12, 12 years old!!!! So Professor Kottler said what can we do, we need to help her. The principle said it’s too much money. And Klottler said how much? The principle replied roughly 2500 rupees. Do you know how much money that is? Roughly 50 dollars! 50 dollars to save a child’s life!!!! Only 50 dollars a year and she will remain in school she will remain safe! Well Kottler reached into his pocket and did what any decent human being would do, he counted out 2500 rupees and handed it over to the principle. The principle took the money and said Enu stays in school!! The principle put the money in his pocket and Kottler walked away sobbing! The medical assistant on Kottlers team them told him that the principle had NO!!! ZERO!!!! Intention on keeping Enu in school, he would take the money and keep it for himself. This happens every day it’s normal to them! So now Kottler must tell the principle that he will be back to check on her in a year and then the next year and then the next and next continuing until she graduates. Now let me tell you it took him a week to travel to this village and now he has to do this every single year for the rest of his life. That was the beginning. Enu now has a full scholarship to the best University in Thai land. Now Kottler has formed an organization that is supporting 145 girls. He makes absolutely NO money from this and he has no office and he runs this company off of his dining room table with his wife and takes some students with him each year. He does this all out of the kindness and generosity of his heart.
After this class every one either left in silence or ran to professor Kottler to grab anything they could so they could know more about all this. Steph and I went and got the email address went back to our room. We both looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking. We both said we need to do something, we need to be a change in this world. We can make a difference! Sometime we all feel helpless but we must overcome that because we are all in the world together!!
I couldn’t help to think i could save child’s life on less than I spend on a pair of running shoes. I know no one deserves that. There has to be something out there that I can do to help! Something that we can all do to help! Well this all brought me to tears and i have trouble writing it to you all right now. If you want to know more about this please go to . this website explains what I cant please take a moment out of your day and take a look!
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